It's only Wednesday and I kept thinking it was Thursday, looking forward to Friday. Boy, was I a day! After eating at 8 PM last night, Jeff and I were looking for a quick and easy dinner. Jeff mentioned eggs and I said, "Let's do breakfast for dinner!"
When we were growing up, my mother would periodically have french toast, pancakes or egg in the hole (an egg that is fried in the middle of a piece of bread) for dinner. Sometimes, it is nice to have something non-traditional. Breakfast is usually quick to make and no one ever complains. There are always complaints at dinner especially when you suggested, say, chicken and the response is, "we had that last night!"
As we were deciding what kind of eggs to cook, we took a walk out to our garden. Nothing better than some fresh cherry tomatoes and a green pepper along with some thyme and parsley. In the refrigerator, we had scallions (that needed to be used), portobello mushrooms, fingerling potatoes (from dinner the other night) and some sliced ham. I suggested we make a frittata. Years ago, I would make a frittata with fresh tomatoes, zucchini and parmesan cheese. With all the ingredients available, I knew we could have dinner in about 30 minutes.
For those who don't know what a frittata is, it is similar to an omelette, but you allow the mixture to cook without disturbing the eggs. You begin by cooking the frittata on the stove and finish the dish under the broiler to brown the top. A frittata is great because you can put any ingredient you want into them. It's one of those "you can throw in the kitchen sink" meals, quick and easy!
Ingredients for Frittata:
8 eggs, whisked together
2 tablespoons of water
2 cups of shredded cheese (most typically parmesan, we used cheddar for this)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
1 tablespoon of fresh parsley
1/4 teaspoon of fresh thyme
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, using only 1 cup of the cheese and put aside. Save the other cup of cheese to be sprinkled on the frittata at the end of the cooking process.
Vegetables for the Frittata -
We used:
10 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
6 scallions, cut into 1/2 inch slices using both green and white
1/2 green pepper, chopped into 1/2 inch pieces
2 large portobello caps, sliced in 1/2 and then cut into 1/2 inch slices
1 cup of cubed ham
5-6 fingerling potatoes (pre-cooked), cut into quarters
1. Preheat oven to broil.
2. Preheat a large frying pan that is also oven-proof over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
3. Once hot, add the peppers, scallions and portobello mushrooms, cook for about 5-7 minutes or until the vegetables begin to soften.
4. Add the tomatoes, potatoes and ham, cook for an addition 5 minutes.
5. Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan, making sure all the vegetables are covered.
6. Do not stir, allow the eggs to become firm and the sides will brown slightly, about 5 minutes.
7. When the egg mixture seems firm, yet slightly wet on the top, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and place under the broiler until slightly golden and bubbling, about 3-4 minutes.
8. Remove from the oven. Allow to sit for 5 minutes, cut into wedges and serve.
If you don't have the ingredients we used, be creative...
1. Zucchini and tomatoes with feta cheese
2. Mushrooms and spinach with bacon
3. Peppers and onions with some sausages
4. Thinly sliced potatoes with onions and thyme
The sky's the limit...we'd love to know, what kind of frittata you would create?