Last week I saw a picture on my Google+ account of a cake with pigs. It was adorable. Sadly, the only thing I know about the cake is a link which came from tumblr called Pigs in Mud Cake. I decided to post it on my Facebook account expecting the same amount of comments that I normally receive...between 4-6.
After a large response to the picture, people were looking for the recipe. So, last night my daughter, Danielle, and I decided to make the cake. I went to the local craft store to look for fondant. You need this to make the pigs for the cake. It is similar marizpan, and edible. I was able to find Duff's Fondant, the cake creator from Ace of Cakes. He has a line of fondant which happens to come in pink. Since I couldn't open the container of fondant in the store, I decided to buy some white fondant, too. I stopped by the ribbon section and bought a flowery designed ribbon to tie around my cake.
Next stop was the grocery store. I didn't want to make a cake from scratch (I can't believe that came out of my mouth!) so I grabbed a box of Devil's Food Cake, a few packages of Kit Kat bars and some heavy cream. I now had everything I needed.
We made the cake according to directions and placed the batter in two 8" cake pans. While the cake was baking, we made the ganache and put it aside to cool to room temperature and then started mixing the frosting. We decided on a peanut butter frosting because of the dark chocolate ganache. We make this cake called the Reese's Peanut Butter Cake. It has dark chocolate cake, peanut butter frosting and then we put chocolate ganache all over the cake. It is a huge hit, wherever we take it. Oh, and there are no calories...
After the cake and ganache were cooled, we started by frosting the cake with the peanut butter frosting. We kept the center and top frosting thinner than the sides. I needed the kit kat bars to stick and I didn't want the cake to be any higher than it needed to be. There isn't much length to a Kit Kat bar.
We opened the Kit Kat's and broke each package into 2 bars. We did find there were some height issues so I took a bag of Hershey's Mini Kisses and put a row of them at the bottom of the cake. We then placed the Kit Kats above the mini kisses which made the fence for the pigs the right height.
We let the cake rest and started making our pigs. The pink fondant was very bright so we added white fondant to the pink. It softened the color quite a bit and we decided to have brighter pink pigs rather than flesh colored. In hindsight, we probably should have mixed the pink fondant into the white. It would have given the white a perfect rosy color.
NOTE: Please look at the pigs on the cake for ideas. We also found a video on making fondant pigs at Candy Ribbon Sweets. Take a look, it will give you some ideas.
Once your pigs are made, pour the chocolate ganache on the top of the cake. It should be thick enough to swirl and the consistency of mud. Place your pigs. Our pigs were probably bigger than the original photo but I do like that they fill the pig pen.
Tie a ribbon around the cake and you are done!
I hope you enjoy the cake as much as we have. We are looking forward to making the "Pigs in the Mud" Cake again. Our biggest problem...we didn't want to cut it because it looked too (pig) pretty!
Ingredients for the Pigs in the Mud Cake:
1 box of your favorite cake mix - we used Devil's Food Cake
1 package of Hershey's Mini Kisses
6 Kit Kat Bars, broken into two sticks each
ribbon for decoration
Peanut Butter Frosting
1-1/2 cups of softened butter
1-1/2 cups of chunky peanut butter
2 teaspoons of vanilla
3-4 cups of confectioner's sugar
Chocolate Ganache
1 cup of heavy cream
2-1/2 cups of bittersweet chocolate chips
1 tablespoon of butter
1 - 8 ounce container of pink buttercream fondant
1 - 8 ounce container of white buttercream fondant
1. Starting with your favorite cake mix, make according to manufacturer's directions. Bake in 2 - 8" round cake pans.
2. While cake is baking, start the chocolate ganache. In a medium sauce pan, over medium heat, add the heavy cream and heat until there is a slight simmer around the edges. Do not allow it to boil.
3. Remove from heat and add the chocolate chips. Allow to sit for a minute or two and then begin to mix the melted chocolate with the cream. Once the ganache is completely incorporated, add the butter. Put aside and allow the mixture to cool completely.
4. Start the peanut butter frosting : In a mixing bowl (using a beater), beat the butter and peanut butter together until smooth and creamy, about 2 minutes. Add the vanilla and beat. Start by adding one cup of confectioner's sugar at a time. Beat until blended. After the 3rd cup taste the frosting. Adjust the confectioner's sugar to your taste. We like a less sweet frosting so the peanut butter flavor will come through. We put in about 1/2 to 3/4 cup more.
5. Soften fondant according to directions. Our fondant was very pink so we mixed half white and half pink to softened the color. Making it again, I would probably use more white and add pink to it for a lighter pink. Using a knife and toothpicks, create pigs. For tails - we wrapped a thin piece of fondant around a skewer and let it set for a minute or two, then removed it. Create your pigs (look at the two pictures for creative!). See the link above for a video of making fondant pigs.
Assembly: (please read storyline for more in depth directions)
1. Place one layer of cake on a plate or platter and frost top and sides with peanut butter frosting. Add second layer and frost the top and sides.
2. Place a row of Hershey Mini Kisses around the base of the cake.
3. Line the Kit Kat bars around the cake in sets of two. It takes 11-12 (sets of 2 kit kats) to surround the cake.
4. Pour chocolate ganache on the top of the cake and swirl.
5. Add pigs and tie with a ribbon a choice.
6. Stand back and smile, your "Pigs in the Mud" Cake is complete!