Meet Dr. Raymond Mis - The creator of Seriously Good Premium Ice Cream. Trends in Ice Cream 2017 - Seriously Good, Seriously Gone!
Jeff and I got to meet Dr. Ray Mis at Lee's Market in Westport, MA during a recent taste testing of his Seriously Good Premium Ice Cream. When Jeff and I arrived, we got to sample some of the new ice cream flavors. Presently, they offer 5 different flavors of ice cream; Vanilla, Vanilla Flake, Chocolate, Chocolate Flake and Coffee. Even though I am a serious chocoholic, I tasted the coffee ice cream first, which was delicious and then quickly reached for my second tasting of chocolate flake. Jeff went with his all time favorite, vanilla and then tasted the vanilla flake. He thought both were creamy and very tasty.
So, how did we end up at this Saturday morning taste test? My story starts 10 years ago when I worked as a Senior Business Advisor for the MA Small Business Development Center. During that time, we had an innovation consultant named Elizabeth Pierotti of The Inventing Life. When we had clients who had innovative ideas they were looking to develop, we would have them book an appointment with Elizabeth. She was, and still is, amazing when it comes to bringing new and innovative products to market from concept to delivery.
Fast forward to January 2017 and I received an email from Elizabeth. She is working with Dr. Ray on his premium ice cream product. What makes this ice cream different from others on the market is the benefits. They use clean labeling, it's gluten free, non-GMO and it also contains fiber. Bet you didn't think you could get 5-6 grams fiber while eating ice cream?
Along with all natural products, one of the ingredients in the ice cream is organic agave inulin. By definition, organic agave inulin is -
"extracted from all natural organic blue agave, this powder is an excellent source of dietary fiber and acts as a prebiotic to support intestinal health."
Elizabeth knew I was a food blogger and asked if we might come to Lee's and try some of the ice cream since it is only available in limited markets. When Jeff and I were leaving they asked if we would like to take some home and give it a "seriously good" taste testing. We left with a pint of each flavor and over the past week, we have been devouring every bit. Between Jeff and I, he is more of an ice cream connoisseur than I am; he definitely ate more than me. But, I did have fun eating scoops of coffee and chocolate flake in the evening after dinner.
So, our review of the ice creams:
Jeff thought all the ice cream was delicious, he especially loved the vanilla and vanilla flake.
"If you can create a really good vanilla, you can corner the market. This vanilla is amazing."
My son, Stephen, thought it was really good. He loved the creaminess of the ice cream.
"I liked the chocolate flake the best, the coffee was good, too."
I really liked the chocolate and coffee flavors. Anything that brings my two favorites together is a hit for me. I loved the creaminess and intensity of flavor.
We can't wait for Seriously Good Ice Creams to be available near us. I know this is a family favorite that will never be around for long. I think it took us a week to eat 5 pints of ice cream.
It truly is Seriously GOOD...with benefits!
Note: A portion of the profits directly support the education of blind children. Friends Food Family is not being paid for this review.