(Planters contain (beginning with white pot and clockwise) lemon thyme, lettuce/parley/swiss chard, thai and purple basil, arugula, rosemary and silver thyme.)
You may not have time or space to plant a garden, but you can have just as much fun with a contain garden. Find all your outdoor pots and plant an arrangement that can be as pretty as flowers.
We have a 40 x 10 ft. garden which we just finished planting during Memorial Day weekend. We recently had some trees cut down which gave us more sunlight. We decided to expand the garden and cut another 10 X 10 ft. space which would give us more room for summer squash, zucchini and beans. By the time we were done we had planted 25+ tomato plants, 14+ eggplant, 12+ peppers, 3 types of beans, cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash and more herbs as we had planted quite a few in our container garden. (See How to Build a Garden)
Our container garden started from an idea we saw at Briggs Nurseryin North Attleboro, MA. In their vegetable section they had an old rod iron bench which they had removed the seat. They lined it with a cocoa fiber liner and planted lettuce, parley and swiss chard. It was gorgeous...and functional. We went looking for a bench but had to settle for a table planter, but we did the same thing. We have lettuce, herbs, a few spare tomatoes and peppers planted in containers. We placed them in various locations in our yard giving color and design to bare spots.
If you don't have time or space to have a garden, consider growing plants in pots and containers. It's a great way to enjoy fresh herbs or vegetables during the summer season.